EPS is an expanded hard material with reduced weight, derived from petroleum composed only by carbon and hydrogen atoms. It is a closed-cell structure able to retain air inside. For its production are used water vapour and pentane, which evaporates at the end of the expansion process. It is shown up in blocks, panels or formed products, consisting of small spherical beads welded.
On one hand, waste is one of the main problems of the production system, while on the other hand, the LCA approach, already during the designer’s stage, helps to define how to improve the system in order to reduce not only the environmental impact but also the economic and social ones connected to the end-of-life management. One of the ways to limit the environmental impacts is recycling, which purpose is to reuse material from waste, to bring them back to the production system (that could also be different from the initial one), so making them secondary raw material.
After a grinding phase and an eventual blending of EPS scraps with virgin material, this could be inserted in an extruder, to obtain a granulated product. The extruder consists of a cylinder with sectors of different temperatures, through which the EPS is passed, to make it homogenized without degrading.
It is a very common practice that consists of the reduction of the EPS scraps almost at the level of a single pearl and mixing them with pearls of virgin material, in different quantities depending on the desired product. Resale to our suppliers to produce new pieces.

Qualification to participate in tenders of public works contracts.
The SOA certificate achieved by Preformati Italia is a mandatory certificate (issued by authorized bodies) that proofs the economic and technical ability of a company to qualify itself for public works contracts of an amount higher than €150.000,00, and also confirms that the certificated company fulfils all the requirements necessary for public bargaining.
Preformati Italia has achieved a second degree SOA certification to participate in tenders up to €516.000,00.

MED Naval Certification
Marine equipment directive 2014/90/UE aims to harmonize compliance procedures related to marine equipment used on passenger and cargo ships.
The reference standards are international and they are under I.M.O., International Maritime Organization, the agency of the United Nations responsible for navigation safety and prevention of marine pollution.

ISO 9001-2015 Certification
The UNI EN ISO 9001-2015 standard stands as a worldwide reference in quality management system (QMS) certification applicable to all organizations, no matter their size or manufacturing industry. The primary goal is customer satisfaction with an organizational system driven by continuous improvement.
See the ISO 9001-2015 certificate

ASTM E 84-19b – USA certification
The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), is a globally recognized leader in the development and delivery of international standards.
Today, ASTM standards are used around the world to improve product quality, increase safety, facilitate market access and trade, and build consumer confidence.
The standard certifies the combustion characteristics of the surfaces of building materials.
See the ASTM E 84-19b certificate

NFPA 286-2019 – USA certification
This standard describes a method for determining the contribution of interior finishing materials to fire growth in the environment during the specified fire exposure conditions.
It is intended for the evaluation of the flammability characteristics of internal finishes of walls and ceilings, other than textile wall coverings, where such materials constitute the visible internal surfaces of buildings. This test is also known as the “corner of the room” test.
See the NFPA 286-2019 certificate

ReMade in Italy is the accredited certification of the verification of the recycled content and of by-products in a material or product (even multi-material). It is a traceability scheme, compliant with the Procurement Code and CAM (Minimum environmental criteria).
Look at the REMADE IN ITALY certificate